

SQUAWK! Looking to trade? Based on a pop up I saw yesterday, other Trovians in your area are looking to trade too. Use this scale next to me or the Marketplace section of the menu [HK:NavigationMenu] to SEARCH for something worthy of your hard earned Flux and then BUY it from another player. I'm always keeping an eye on the price of Credit Pouches myself.

Sell from the Marketplace

CHIRP CHIRP! Great work! When you buy something off the Marketplace the purchase immediately shows up in your inventory and the Flux is removed. In rare cases where two Trovians buy the same item, any incorrectly removed Flux is returned when the slower Trovian next changes worlds. Now its time to build your empire, navigate over to the SELL tab in the Marketplace next to me, and CREATE a listing to sell an item you are done with. After a minute your item will show up for other Trovians, who will have the option to buy it.

More Sales

KAKAW! Now that you have made your first sale, you're on your way to financial independence. The great thing about the Marketplace is you know exactly what you are getting for your Flux and I don't even take a cut. *mumbles* not for lack of trying. Make a few more sales and I'll bestow my little cousin upon you. They are great for, well, not much, but they are good at making a lot of noise.

Featured Craftable

2020's Shadowy Selection

This limited time pack unlocks the Brian Bones and Stack o' Lantern allies, the Baleful Borker and Last Taxi mounts, the Webbed Sail, the Gourd Galleon boat, and the exclusive Broomer-Mage-er, Candymancer, Brimstone Bulleteer, Zippy Zombie, and Crow and Scare-row Costumes. Get them before they fade back into the shadows!

Players may not join a tutorial world.

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