
Why do you seek strength? Is it to defend or destroy? Too often the threats of Trove and Geode push us toward violence. It is easy to forget those that can not defend themselves. The strongest warrior protects the weak. Seek out those in need in the Geodian Caves and aid them. Help critters in the Geodian Caves.

Aid Cave Critters

Master Pun-Chi's many lessons for his disciples are often cryptic, but always valuable.

Act of Service: Feeding Fish

Life is a circle. Destruction makes room for new growth. Many in Trove take from the waters, few return anything. Always remember to give back from which you take. Failing to do so might find you empty handed in the future. Feed fish in pools all over Trove. You can buy Fish Food from the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub.

Feed the Fish

Act of Service: Speed of Youth

The young always seek speed. They wish to move quickly, skip lessons, and they fail to see what is in front of them as a result. Seek Nitro-Glitterine on Geode, but remember to take your time. Remember it is the journey, not the destination that is important.

Mine Nitro Glitterine

Act of Service: Seeking the Flame