Gunslinger Noscope
Find Sir O'Lucky at a Unity Shrine
St. Qubeslick's Feast 9/10: Wow Trovian there's some great stuff in those pots. It looks like some of the magic has rubbed off on you from the Pot o' Gold. Sir O'Lucky can only be seen if you've found one of their pots and crafted something from it. I've heard Sir O'Lucky hangs out at Unity Shrines, which are showing up in the PEACEFUL HILLS of Uber worlds right now.
The magic from the Pot o' Gold only lasts about an hour, see if you can find a Unity Shrine before it runs out.
Collect One of the Luckbeast's Treasures
St. Qubeslick's Feast 10/10: Great work, Trovian! Now that you can make the Feast, you can spend more time hunting the Luckbeast for some of its treasure!
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