Hotfix May 18 2021

Deliver Qubesly's Fine to the Tysorion Quartermaster

Sunfest 2021 7/8: Nice work! Now only the House Tysorion Quartermaster remains.

Craft Something at a Sunfest Workbench

Sunfest 2021 8/8: Great work Trovian, I- wait a minute! They all paid their fines with this so-called currency of theirs! Ugh, guess I need to find a lawyer. Trovian, these coins are worthless, but they ARE trading items for it... You can keep them, but I'd spend them fast if I were you! And thank you!

House Carys Essentials

This limited time pack unlocks the United Airflier, Carys Carriage, and Dawn mounts, the Carysian Protester ally, the Carysian Caretaker costume, and the House Carys Framework recipe and one ready to place House Carys Framework. Get them before they take off!

House Tysorion Essentials

This limited time pack unlocks the United Airflier, Ty's Awsomerion Ride, and Tricky Rascal mounts, the Tysorion Protester ally, the Knight of Tysorion costume, and the House Tysorion Framework recipe and one ready to place House Tysorion Framework. Get them before they crack up!

House Panatea Essentials

This limited time pack unlocks the United Airflier, Pan-Panatean Transport, and Paelephant mounts, the Panatean Protester ally, the Panatean Partifier costume, and the House Panatea Framework recipe and one ready to place House Panatea Framework. Get them before they burst!