Hotfix May 18 2021
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Tysorion)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE TYSORION enemies.\n<font color='#30ff30'>Increased chance</font> of memento drops!
A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nWhen in doubt, chicken out.
Panatean Partifier
A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nBright as light, light as dawn.
Carysian Caretaker
You're in the way of my quest, fiend. Begone!
Knight of Tysorion
Speak with one of the House Quartermasters
Sunfest 2021 1/8: Trovian, houses Carys, Panatea, and Tysorion are back... and they're giving me a headache. They're creating some 'new flux' market and it's costing Trovians fluxillions! Pay one of their Quartermasters a visit for me, would you? They're on the top floors of those TALL TOWERS in the HUB