Crystal Combat
This surefooted saurian scoffs at glaciers and snowy steppes.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Fresh and crisp as the Candorian spring.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
It appears to have calmly accepted its lot in unlife.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Unlike most other species of shmeep, this one has a volcanic temper.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Warning: Must be shorn punctually and punctiliously to avoid rider injury.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Evolved from feral shmeep that wandered into Fae forests and became suffused with nature magic.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
An automaton created by an invading army, after the war ended it was put out to pasture.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Generally docile, but its buccal system is capable of 32 Giga-Bites of power, so keep your hands to yourself.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Many Ice Sages learned patience and wisdom tending herds of these mighty yet stubborn beasts.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Prized for their impermeable fleeces, these shmeep are a common sight on many pirate ships.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.