Lunar Leap

While we're here meeting sadly the enemies of Trove entrench in their strongholds. Find the enemies of Trove and defeat them! Find and complete 3 Star Dungeons.

Earn a Blast Coin


I don't know what it is, but I just wanna rip and tear through the Shadow. Don't you? Well you gotta have an outlet, try Bomber Royale... it has worked for me... for now. Enter Bomber Royale and earn a Blast Coin.

Defeat the Turkeytopia Delve Bosses


HWRAWR! That's dinosaur for 'Happy Friendsgiving!' As fun as this all is, the Turkeytopia Delve has returned. Why don't you hop in there and dino-kick them out of there! Enter the Turkeytopia and defeat any of the bosses there.

Kill Enemy Turkeys

So many turkeys, so little time.

Shadow Gobblers. Every year it's Shadow Gobblers. You can find most of them in Dragonfire Peaks, but if you wait long enough, they'll find you. Defeat Shadow Gobblers in the Dragonfire Peaks.