
March 11, 2025

Cyber Bunny Brawler

A costume for the Vanguardian. Gear from a distant future. Don't use it to break the space time continuum.

Cubical Creator

A costume for the Pirate Captain. A Renaissance painter and inventor, at your service!

Greet Qubesly in the Bunfest Pavillion

Bunfest 2025 1/12: Trovian! Bunfest is here again and that means our friends have returned! Come greet our Hoppin' friends and me at the pavillion in the hub.

Hunt for Eggs

Bunfest 2025 2/12: Each year Bunfest comes and each year we celebrate. My favorite part is hiding eggs all over Trove. I start hopping with joy whenever I think about Trovians finding the little things. Why don't you go out and find a few? Eggs can be found in the Medieval Highlands, Fae Forests, Candoria, Frobidden Spires, and Geode Topside at Adept Difficulty (1) or higher.

Defeat Eggmen

Bunfest 2025 3/12: Trovian! There are Eggs all over Candoria, and not the ones that I placed! They're scrambling up all the fun, why don't you go and teach them not to mess with Bunfest.