Bomber Royale - Season 2
Be the light! I apologize for my rudeness the last time we spoke. Shadows have hurt quite a lot of Geodian creatures... and it, well, it's been difficult.\n\nI am Sunseeker Gabbro. I wrote the book on Geodian creatures - several books, in fact! They're such fascinating creatures.\n\nCould you go and soothe 25 creatures in the caves with Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits? I, and they, would be grateful.
19/36 - 化为光芒吧!抱歉我上次对你那么粗鲁。暗影伤害了很多晶洞生物……总之就是,诸事不顺啊。\n\n我是寻日者盖布罗,我写过有关晶洞生物的书——有好几本呢!这些生物实在是太有趣了。\n\n你能去洞窟里帮我用生物糖果、舒适毯子和治疗包安抚25只生物吗?我和它们都会非常感激你的。
The fun part of 'fungus'.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
XP Day and Gathering Day are the only weekly bonuses recognized in the Geode Caves. The Geodian Council of Friends invites anyone in need of XP to visit!
经验日和收集日是唯一可以在晶洞生效的加成.\n根据每日的加成可以来计划你每天要做的事情. — 琉涟风的提示
Before you can fight the Shadows here on the Topside, you're going to need upgrades. That means you'll need some Veridium and Nitro-Glitterine. You mine the Veridium and I'll provide the Nitro-Glitterine!\n\nVeridium can be found all over the Geode Topside. Mine Veridium for fun and profit!
This mean green machine is a must for those gardeners seeking ultimate efficiency.\n\nPlants whichever seeds are selected in the Build inventory hotbar within a small radius.
That box was nice and all but let’s get a better gem. In your Claims [HK:Claims] you will find a Locked Water Gem Box and a Golden Gem Key. Use the Golden Gem Key on the Gem Box to get a guaranteed Stellar Water Gem!\n\nGolden Gem Keys can be used by clicking on the key icon inside the Gem Box window. The Locked Water Gem Box can only be opened with a Golden Gem Key.
那个箱子很好让我们得到一个更好的宝石。在你的领取菜单 [HK:Claims] 中,你会发现一个锁住的水宝石箱和一把黄金宝石钥匙。在宝石箱上的黄金宝石钥匙可以保证获得一颗星辰水宝石!点击宝石箱在窗口内的钥匙图标中使用黄金宝石钥匙。锁水宝石盒只有使用黄金宝石钥匙才能打开。
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Ready to be watered.
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