Press [HK:Atlas] to open the Atlas.
按 [HK:Loot] 打开世界地图
Trovian Atlas
Place to queue yourself for this week's Challenge Delve at Depth 110, then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue.
Biomes: Depth-Locked
Invites: Return Invites Only
Mounts: Delve Restricted
Difficulty: Depth 110
玩家创建一个队伍参与从本周的挑战秘境(深度固定110层开始),按 [HK:Loot] 开始.其他玩家也可以加入此队伍.\n\n生物群落:固定深度\n邀请:仅限队伍中的玩家返回秘境\n坐骑:仅限秘境坐骑\n难度:深度110层开始\n\n此传送门为一次性物品
Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy)
Place to queue yourself for this week's Challenge Delve (Initial Depth: 110), then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue.
Biomes: Depth-Locked
Invites: Return Invites Only
Mounts: Delve Restricted
Difficulty: Challenge Delve Depth of placing Player
玩家创建一个队伍将参与本周的挑战秘境(初始深度:110),传送门放置后可按 [HK:Loot] 开始.其他玩家也可以加入此队伍.\n\n生物群落:固定深度\n邀请:仅限队伍中的玩家返回秘境\n坐骑:仅限秘境坐骑\n难度:放置传送门玩家的挑战深度\n\n此传送门为一次性物品
Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode)
Gathering spot for developer delve mode
Delve Developer Queue
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve, then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue.
Invites: Up to 8 Players total
Mounts: Delve Restricted
Difficulty: Public Delve Score of queued Classes
创建自己的队伍,然后按 [HK:Loot] 进入私人秘境。其他玩家可以加入这个队列.\n\n邀请人数:最多可邀请八名玩家\n坐骑:仅限秘境坐骑\n难度:排队职业的公共秘境分数
Delve Gateway (Private Mode)