
In most Delve rooms there will be an arrow design in the floor pointing towards the next room in the Delve.

What are Chevrons?

At the end of each Delve Tier, the Cursed Skulls can be interacted with to start the Boss fight! Make sure your fellow Trovians are ready first!

What are Cursed Skulls?

Starting at Pure Midnight (11), creatures will have a Darkness buff which will both protect them and cause you more damage, unless you have a competitive Light stat.

What is Darkness?

Found at the begining of each Delve Tier, Deltalith blocks explain what special modifiers are active in the Delve Tier and for specific creatures.

What are Deltaliths?

There are all sorts of fun individuals inside Delves, some of them are even willing to help. If you can defeat enough enemies they may appear after the boss is defeated.

Who is this?