DEFEATING ENEMIES from CANDORIAN Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Candoria.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from JURASSIC JUNGLE Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Jurassic Jungle.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from DRAGONFIRE PEAKS Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Dragonfire Peaks.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from FAE FOREST Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Fae Forest.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from DESERT FRONTIER Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Desert Frontier.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from SUNDERED UPLANDS Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Sundered Uplands.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from MEDIEVAL HIGHLANDS Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Medieval Highlands.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from NEON CITY Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Neon City.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from FORBIDDEN SPIRES Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Forbidden Spires.
DEFEATING ENEMIES from PERMAFROST Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Permafrost.