Tune Up

Strike a chord!\n\nContains the Bard class, the Wings of Song wings, Cubix and Pretend Performer costumes, and Root Beer and Wild Hog allies.

Bard Super Pack

Contains everything in the Bard Pack (the Bard class, the Wings of Song wings, the Cubix and Pretend Performer costumes, and Root Beer and Wild Hog allies), plus the Pegasooza mount, the DUBBard, Twangy Clangy, and Tremolonely costumes, the Fervent Support ally and 13370 credits!

Bard Super Upgrade

You've already unlocked the Bard Pack. Now, upgrade yourself to Super!\n\nContains all additional items from the Bard Super Pack: the Pegasooza mount, the DUBBard, Twangy Clangy, and Tremolonely costumes, the Fervent Support ally and 13370 credits!

Jolly Jester

A costume for the Bard.\n\nDo not call her a fool, or you will get schooled.


A costume for the Bard.\n\nHarvested from A.T.M.O.S.-D-RAC. It looks cool, but doesn't give you a dragon for wearing it.

Techno Tenor