Unrecognized destination {0} for account export; expected {1}.
帳號匯出 無法識別的目的地 {0} 預期{1}

Failed to transmit account data.

Please confirm that you want to completely overwrite everything you have on the {0} server with what you have on this server.
請確認你將要把你在這個伺服器所擁有的所有資料覆蓋於 {0} 伺服器

Failed to setup account export.

Account has been exported to {0}
帳號已匯出至 {0}

Account export is not currently enabled on this server.

There are multiple possible destinations ({0}) to export to; please pick one.
有多個可匯出的目的地 ({0}) 請挑選一個

Too many account exports have been attempted recently. Please wait {0} minute(s) before trying again.
近期有太多帳號匯出嘗試 請等待 {0} 分鐘

Please select which server you wish to export this account to: