Can find any fish in even the muckiest of water or chocolate.
Capable of catching the most elusive fish in the Depths from pools.
Sold by Murkwater Mark in the Fishing area of the Hub.
Pole: Murkwater Mark's Mucker
Murkwater Mark's Mucker
Despite Mark's claims, this pole absolutely can not fish up Leviathans.\n\nCapable of catching Rare Depths Fish from Water Pools found in Long Shade Difficulty (15).
Pole of the Deep
A heat-resistant pole which unlocks fishing in lava. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
Molten Magma Sifter
Any and all Eggs or Trovians found in possession of this or any of King Egon's other royal possessions shall be subject to immediate execution. So says the King.
Pole: King Egon's Royal Angler
King Egon's Royal Angler