Bomber Royale Season 3

Meet the Carysian Representative

Sunfest 11/11 : Wonderful. With that dealt with you should lean back and enjoy Sunfest. Stop by the Carysian Representative near our house in the hub and they will pay you for your good deeds. Also feel free to keep printing Trovian Finite Notes, Qubesly has set them up to send their flux to us instead of that crook Pinzo, so maybe some of this can be salvaged.

Find Chuck Pinzo

Sunfest Bonus Round: Trovian... Trovian! I'm sorry I've been missing lately but things have gotten a little out of hand. Payment to the Houses? Copies of me in Delves and invasions? I have no Trovely idea what you're speaking of. It sounds like another me is making trouble for me, and I don't like it. I'm going to stay in my hideout till all of this blows over. It's not so bad here if you can ignore the constant flushing and don't mind all the blank stares. Tell you what though, if you can manage to find me I'll print you one of your very own Pinzo Quartermasters! Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Vibrant Joy

This limited time pack unlocks the Piece of Pi, Colorful Quetzalcoatl, Dinghy of Wonders, Zesty Zepperay, and vivid Viper allies, the Maroon Majesty, Shizu the Festive, Jukebox Roadster, and Very Berry Tartle mounts, and the Artistic Adventurer, Slime Tamer, Jukebox Jammer, and Fuff'N'Tuff Bard Costumes. Get them before they fade away!

Chromatic Cog Collective

This limited time pack unlocks the Blimp, Perky Pocketwatch, and Rainbow Rooster allies, the Whyvern and Commanding Cog Chair mounts, the Steampuffing Billy Mag Rider, and the Funky Punky Bard, Drac Van Gearsing, and Lunar Prism Costumes. Get them before they go up in smoke!

House Carys Pool Party

This limited time pack unlocks the Three House Boat and Sail of Three Houses, the Carys Canard boat, the Beach Buggy mount, the Carysian Crown Star and Carysian Pool Patrol allies, and the Rubber Duckie costume. Get them before they go on patrol!