That was the last new module I had for you! You are becoming a cave-diving pro. You've already traveled as far in as I've ever been! I think you might even be able to travel as far as the Sunseekers soon!\n\nUse the Module Forge on the bottom floor of the sanctuary to upgrade your GAS.

Upgrade Your GAS

AHA! Just the Trovian I was looking for. \n\nA once-buoyant little Howlug under my care has been ill lately. To cheer her up, I'd like to surround her with her favorite plants - cave birds! Twenty beautiful, bountiful cave birds will brighten her spirits in no time.\n\nGather 20 cave birds from Sunken Sunvault. Cave birds only grow in Tier 2 and beyond.

Gather Cave Birds

The Cave Birds weren't enough! This sweet Howlug has lost nearly all her bounce. She was so bouncy before! It saddens me to see her this way. I've written it all down in my latest book if you care to read more.\n\nIn any case, I believe what'll really put some bounce in her step is some acrobat bark.\n\nGather 20 acrobat bark from the ceilings of Moonglow Grotto. Acrobat bark only grows in Tier 2 and beyond.

Gather Acrobat Bark

What a day! It turns out this Howlug wasn't ill at all – only pregnant! They're quite skilled at hiding it, you see, even from me! And I've written thirty books on it!\n\nThe Howlug was so grateful for your assistance, she insisted that you have one of her eggs.\n\nCome have a look at the Egg Incubator at the Companion Ranch to the east and I'll show you how to use it.

Check out the Egg Incubator

Place place your egg inside the Egg Incubator and watch it hatch!\n\nI have a feeling this one will hatch quickly. It must be excited to meet its proud new caretaker!

Hatch Your Howlug