Going Green

Sunfest 2019 7/8: Recently, every few hours, a mysterious portal has appeared. Please venture through the next portal to see what adventures it holds. While you are there, make sure you rescue any friends you may find and defeat any lingering evil.

Retrieve your Permanent House Banner

Sunfest 2019 8/8: Trovian, You have proven yourself a loyal and dedicated member of our house. Our Purveyor would be honored to trade you a permanent house banner for the Chin Hairs you retrieved. Once you have your permanent banner, I would be privileged to provide you a mount to show the banner off on.

Press [HK:Loot] to trade.

Cravix: House Carys Purveyor

Activate a 'Carys House Badge' to chat

Cralim: House Carys Champion

Pinates: House Panatea Purveyor

Activate a 'Panatea House Badge' to chat

Pinablo: House Panatea Champion