
January 23, 2025

Find Marquitillo in 5-Star Dungeons

Marquitillo Missing 3/4: I'm hearing talk of Rubber Duckats in 5-Star dungeons across Trove. I guess Marquitillo was onto something afterall... Please, find him and bring him home!

Return to Captain Markos Ybarra

Marquitillo Missing 4/4: You found him! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Please come back so I can reward you, Trovian!

Wood Snake Dragon Pack

Meet She'xia, the Mythical. Invite her to join you today!\n\n * She'xia, the Mythical\n * 33 Greater Dragon Caches\n * 333 Dragon Coins\n * 3 Diamond Dragonite Pouches\n\n50 Patron Points!

She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon!

Collect Mystic Wood Egg Fragments in the Forbidden Spires, or purchase the Pack!

The Wood Snake Dragon Pack is available for purchase, and Polished Mythical Wood can be found in the Forbidden Spires!

Marquitillo Missing!