Boomeranger Blowup
Don't forget you can enter and exit Build Mode by pressing [HK:SwitchInputMode]!
Fully upgrade {0}/{1} max level Stellar Gem stats to 100%
Fully upgrade {0}/{1} Stellar Gem stats
Fully upgrade all stats to 100% on {0}/{1} max level Stellar Gems
Fully upgrade all stats to max on {0}/{1} Stellar Gems
Snowfestivus 1/10. It's time to celebrate Snowfestivus! Do it right, and I'll help you make a Snowfestivus Log! We start with the Airing of Grievances. Those people upset me greatly. Give them a piece of my mind.
Snowfestivus 2/10. Acceptable. Now it's time for Dinner. Upgrading Gems gives off a great scent, which I use it for my cooking. Spice it up for me.
Snowfestivus 4/10. Dinner is served! While we eat, its time for the Feats of Strength! Prove you have the muscle to work the Forge!
Snowfestivus 5/10. That was easy. There are giant festive trees suddenly everywhere for some reason. Go show me you can take down the snowsquatches there. Meh, actually any dungeon will do.
Snowfestivus 6/10. Not bad! Snowflakes huh? Bet they'd come in handy to destroy an evil robot's fire shield someday. Nah, that's crazy talk. Now, do you have the strength to… destroy blocks!?! I doubt it!
冰雪庆典6/10。 不错!雪花是吗?将来它们肯定能帮你摧毁某个邪恶机器人的火焰护盾。哎呀,我开玩笑啦。接下来,你拥有……摧毁方块的力量吗!?!我对此深表怀疑!
Snowfestivus 7/10. You wonder why you're doing this? Keep wondering! I need glim, lots of fresh glim!
Snowfestivus 8/10. Now we take some wood, those blocks, the glim, and make your very own Snowfestivus Log! You're welcome. Go run dungeons while I make it for you.