

Produces 25 Day Drops when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.

Produces 25 Moonlit Moss when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.

Produces 25 Wallflowers when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.

Produces 4 Metamatter when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.

Produces 40 Cinnabar when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.

Increases Crystal and Shadow Shard Gathering from all sources by 50% for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.

Open for Crystals or rarely Drillbits, Crystal Pinatas or Bronze Companion Eggs!

Terraform a zone into Neon City's Luminopolis. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Quite the upgrade from your starter fixer-upper. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A strange tree that grows in Neon City. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.