Into the Deep
Remembrance of Reng 6/7: The Dragon Ogres had once been the esteemed guardians of the Cardinal Spirits and Generals of the Terracotta Army, but the Shadows' corruption tainted their minds. They abandoned their oaths and set out to take the Reng Empire for their own. Many souls perished in the fight and when the smoke cleared, only devastation remained. The Reng Empire was no more. The Cardinal Spirits' power was diminished, and only their memory remained. Those of us who survived began refering to our lost kingdom as the Forbidden Spires.\n\nDragon Ogres can be found as one star dungeon bosses and open world monsters in Forbidden Spires biomes.
Remembrance of Reng 7/7: But hope has begun to return to my homeland. The long forgotten song of Shaoran, Sage of the Eastern Ranges, has risen up to join Onbari. Another Cardinal Spirit is regaining its strength. You and other Trovians like you are responsible for this. Reng may once again return to its former glory. You are the light that will repel the Shadow.\n\nJadebound Phantoms can be found as one star dungeon bosses and open world monsters in Forbidden Spires biomes. They appear as a floating mask of jade.
Turkeytopia 2018 8/8: I almost forgot! We're missing the most important part of the meal. I need some Seasonal Sasperilla from Desert Frontier. The Saloonbot Mayor stole the last of this year's stash. Thank you for all your help, Trovian, and Happy Turkeytopia!\n\nSaloonbot Mayors can be found as Dungeon bosses in Desert Frontier biomes.
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Heart-a-Phone Red
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