
Into the Deep

Creates a Tag_Placeable_05 tag that can be used to place treasure at the tag block's location

Lair decorator

Creates a Tag_Placeable_06 tag that can be used to place quests bosses and portals at the tag block's location

Hellbugs in Love 2/10: The undead of Cursed Vale are always extra hostile this time of year. I think it's because they can no longer feel love, being dead and all.\n\nDefeat some of the Viking Bonejarls that linger in Cursed Vale Dungeons.

A Hero Rises 2/7: Thank you. Your response has been recorded. Like-minded citizens, calling themselves Resistors, are seeking heroes like you in Neon City. Will you join the Resistors? Please acknowledge. \n\nTravel to a Neon City biome and look for areas denoted Luminopolis. Within these areas are Adventure Outposts with friendly Resistor NPCs who offer unique Adventures.

A Hero Rises 3/7: New report received. Plasmium resources are running low in the Resistor reserves. Action required as soon as possible. Please acknowledge.\n\nPlasmium can be acquired by defeating robots and Dungeon bosses in Neon City biomes. It can also be obtained from Neon City Scrap Cases, which drop from the same sources.

A Hero Rises 6/7: Trovian. The Resistors are impressed with your contributions. They invite you to peruse their fabricator offerings. Recommended recipe - Memory Matrix. This can be used to create many items of interest.\n\nVisit a Resistor Workbench at an Adventure Outpost in a Luminopolis region of Neon City and craft a Memory Matrix.

Great Trovian Bake-off 7/9: I cooked up a plan for a surefire winner this year! Have you ever baked with dragon fire? Neither have I, but I think it will give us the edge we need to win.\n\nElder Flamedrakes can be found lording over Dungeons in Dragonfire Peaks adventure worlds.

Great Trovian Bake-off 8/9: I won't sugar-coat it for you – dragon fire is too unpredictable for precision baking. Instead, let's steal some heat from a Molten Lord, and give our sweet treat an ooey, gooey, molten chocolate middle.\n\nMolten Lords can be found as bosses in the Dungeons of Dragonfire Peaks adventure worlds.

Sunfest 2018 3/8: The Resistors celebrate the Sun Goddess by driving back the forces of the Amperium. The Geodians celebrate by caring for the critters and caves of Geode. Let's help them out.\n\nTravel to a Neon City biome and look for areas denoted Luminopolis. Within these areas are Adventure Outposts with friendly Resistor NPCs who offer unique Adventures.