
Going Green

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nFlowers in Tiers 2-4 of Sunken Sunvault.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nGrows wild in Tiers 1-3 of Verdant Veins.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nExtracted from rare blooms in Tiers 2-4 of Verdant Veins.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nGrows throughout Tiers 1-3 of the Geode caves.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nNectar pulled from flowers in Tiers 1-3 of Moonglow Grotto.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nBold blooms rarely found in Tiers 4-5 of Sunken Sunvault.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nClinging plants found throughout Tiers 2-4 of the Geode caves.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nMajestic plants rarely found in Tiers 4-5 of Moonglow Grotto.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nLiquid extracted from flowering pods in Tiers 1-3 of Sunken Sunvault.

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nShy climbing plants that grow throughout Tiers 4-5 of the Geode caves.