
Song of Petallura 8/9: Perfect! Next she will need something to scratch her claws on. Don't worry, I promise you your surprise is not dangerous - unless you're a worm.\n\nCinnabar can be mined in Forbidden Spires biomes.

Mine some Cinnabar

Song of Petallura 9/9: Now that the Itty Bitty Chick has been hatched in a nest of fresh grass, fed on hearty mushrooms, and been given plenty of Cinnabar to scratch on, she is ready for a new home. But it seems she is a bit shy. Perhaps find a quiet spot and fish while she warms up to you. Your help has been invaluable, Trovian. May your spring be filled with joy and magic!\n\nTravel to a Forbidden Spires biome and catch some fish! Fishing Poles and Lures can be purchased from Saltwater Sam in the Hub.

Go Fishing in Forbidden Spires

Side Quest 1/12: Talk to the Celestial to learn about the Star Chart. You can find the Celestial in the Observatory at the top of the Crafter's Corner. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Talk to the Celestial about the Star Chart

2/12: Hello Trovian. If you have come seeking the power of the stars, then you have arrived at the right place. The Constellations give great power to those willing to study their shape, and I can help you harness that power. To start, you will need to acquire a Celestial Sphere. Fortunately, I have some that I can sell to you. Buy a Celestial Sphere from the Celestial or reset your Star Chart and reclaim them.

Buy a Celestial Sphere

3/12: Excellent. Now your study of the Constellations may truly begin. With your newfound Celestial Sphere, go to the Grand Orrery so you may access the Star Chart.

Interact with the Grand Orrery