Those clutch whelps keep their most treasured valuables in Smoldering Stashes. I recommend you find one and enrich yourself. Smoldering Stashes can be found rarely in the SMOLDERING VAULTS in the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS.

Open a Smoldering Stash

If they cannot defend it, then take it.

Denizens of the ASHEN WASTES are exploring all across Trove adventure worlds, find one and deliver some healthy food to them!

Deliver food to ASHEN WASTES denizens

Deliver HEALTHFUL BROCCOLI or OATMEAL & FRUIT to intrepid Sundered Uplands citizens from the Ashen Wastes–exploring all of Trove adventure worlds.

Denizens of the CLOUD LAYER are vacationing all across Trove adventure worlds, find one and deliver some delicious food to them!

Deliver food to CLOUD LAYER denizens

Deliver JUICY HAMBURGERS or ICE CREAM & WAFFLES to vacationing Sundered Uplands citizens from the Cloud Layer–vacationing all around Trove adventure worlds.

Lunar Condensate