Greetings, Trovian, I am Plumetheus. My twisted cousins have been holding back dark secrets from Trovians for too long. Dark, purple secrets. Don't tell them I told you, but the secret can be found in the Lunar Condensate.
Q’bthulhu has twisted the q’rse from the wolves’ den and crafted his abominations, Alphas. Draw them out and defeat them.
Defeat the Alpha Invaders
The moon light cures all.
Our court is the most important member of this council. So, we have been tasked with the most important task. Find and defeat the masters of these obelisks and show them the fury of the fae.
Defeat Obelisk Dungeons in the Everdark
These obelisks are so unsightly.
The Fae believes the obelisks are the targets, but they can’t even be destroyed! It’s Q’bthulhu’s forces that are the targets. Keep your eyes on the ball and do what actually matters.
Defeat enemies in the Everdark
The endless dead against the endless darkness.