Rising Tides - Hotfix #5
This Sundered Uplands citizen is no longer hungry.
Meet with Lunar Knight Qubesly
Lunar Plunge 1/10: Trovian! Once again the Knights & Acolytes of both Sun and Moon require our help! Meet me in the HUB [HK:Homeworld] and I'll explain.
Speak with High Priest Lunavic
Lunar Plunge 2/10: The Wolves of Chaos & Shadow are back! To fight them, we need to ... well, I'm not sure. Actually, our friend High Priest Lunavic will explain... go talk to him!
Defeat a Chaos Wolf
Lunar Plunge 3/10: Qubesly states the Chaos Wolves have returned to the Cursed Vale. We've much work to do, but first, I need you to confirm Qubesly's claim. Head to the CURSED VALE and defeat a CHAOS WOLF, which he says are roaming free there.
Return to High Priest Lunavic
Lunar Plunge 4/10: Return to High Priest Lunavic with the news of the Chaos Wolves in the Cursed Vale.
Equip a Lunar Plunge Banner