January 21, 2020

Ally: Electric Heckling

This heckbug has stunning good looks and is ready to impress. The tradable version is found rarely when Heckbugs fall in love.

DANGER: Ifera's Lair

Over 5000 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.

DANGER: Timmense's Lair

Over 3000 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.

DANGER: Lobstroso's Lair

Over 500 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.

Help Cave Critters

Heckbugs In Love 1/8: Hi Trovian! It's me, Qubesly. The Heckbugs went into hiding last year, but this year they seem to be back in force. They are difficult to defeat without a friendly Heckbug to help out. Dive down into the depths of geode and befriend cave critters. If you're kind enough, I'll give you something to attract Heckbug friends of your very own.