Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment
Dormant Balefire Dragon Egg
Consume to unlock the Dragon: Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit!
Golden Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg
Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained very rarely from Bamboo Shoots found in Forbidden Spires biomes when the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen]).
Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragment
Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg
Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
This egg can be crafted at the Dragon Crucible.
Dormant Blooddrinker Dragon Egg