Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub! These egg fragments can be found by defeating Empowered Irradiant Sky Admirals in the Sundered Uplands.

Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragment

Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be crafted at the Tier three Traveling Merchant fixtures.

Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragment

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Opulent Bubble Dragon Egg Fragment

Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely when fishing.

Bubble Dragon Egg Fragment

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Opulent Starfire Dragon Egg Fragment