Going Green

Rare crafting material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Radiant equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Penta-Forged Shadow Souls.

Rare crafting material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Stellar equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Forged Radiant Souls.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Water Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Water Gems.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Fire Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Fire Gems.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Air Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Air Gems.

Crafting Material. Used to craft Stellar Empowered Gem Boxes or Class Gem Key Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Gained from Loot Collecting Empowered Gems.

Locked away, this star grants true power to the Trovian who attains it. Use to forge Stellar equipment. Obtained by using a Shaper's Star Key on chests in the Shores of the Everdark. Shaper's Star Keys can be crafted at the Shadowy Market.

Crafting Material. Combine multiple at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench to form a full Class Gem Key.\n\nFound in Empowered Gem Boxes or crafted at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.

Crafting Material.\n\nFound only in the Primal Preserve tree canopy of the Jurassic Jungle.

Your ticket to a magical journey! Previously found in Celebratory Pinatas.\n\nPinata Coins will disappear after Sunfest 2019.