Crystalline Core
This core in the hands of the Shaper could be morphed into an energy source powerful enough to act as the heart of an Ancient.
Obtained daily by completing 5 Star Dungeons within the time limit and from opening Geodian Topside Caches.
Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
Crystalline Core
Open for valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
Open for a guaranteed rare item that would normally be in a Greater Crystal Cache.
Glowing Crystal Cache
Greater Crystal Cache
Open for Crystals or rarely Drillbits, Crystal Pinatas or Bronze Companion Eggs!
Lesser Crystal Cache
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Kinshira of the Everdark Skies mount!