Proves that the bearer utilized an UPLANDS BALLOT BOX to register a for for DOWN

Proof of Vote: DOWN

Proves that the bearer utilized an UPLANDS BALLOT BOX to register a for for UP

Proof of Vote: UP

Affirm your loyalty to the Cloud Layer... or, SOMEONE'S loyalty, anyway...

Cast UP Vote!

Beautifully polished hardwood, imbued with mythical energy.\n\nObtained occasionally from enemies in the Forbidden Spires, but only if the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen])

Beautifully polished hardwood, imbued with mythical energy.\n\nObtained occasionally from enemies in the Forbidden Spires, but only if the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:NavigationMenu])

Polished Mythical Wood

Removing this unsightly weed will make all of Trove happy.