[Deleted User]

Reeling in the Stars

6/19: Wonderful, we'll make a master Angler out of you yet! Now that you've got the hang of it, catch a few more!

Talk to Murkwater Mark in the Hub

7/19: You're really getting the hang of it. So now that you've mastered the basics we can 'reel in' some help. Caw, get it, 'reel in', ka-caw that's a good one. Don't worry, the more you fish the more you'll like that kinda thing, it just comes with all the 'floundering' around, and it never goes 'trout' of style. Anyway, it's about time you found out about the Pond of Power. It's the, honestly ominous looking statue fountain thingy sitting next to the large blue crab creature in the Fishing Grotto in the Hub. Don't worry they're not too pinchy, but they can get 'crabby' from time to time. Before we use the Pond of Power you'll need some Trophies of the Depths, so talk to Murkwater Mark so we can buy some.

Buy a Trophy of the Depths

8/19: I gave you some Marks of the Angler, that's because I knew Mark would want them. They'll sell anything they can to get ahold of those marks, though I don't know why. Buy a Trophy of the Depths so we can unlock the secrets of the Depths.

Upgrade a Depths of the Angler Bubble

9/19: Now that you have that, it's time to put it to good use. The Pond of Power lets us tap into the Depths of the Angler. Before you ask, I have no idea what is going on here. I just fished this thing up and Murkwater Mark showed up later. Atypical to normal Pirrot fashion, I'm just happy it wasn't too violent a meeting. Interact with the Pond of Power and select the Bubble next to the starting yellow one. Use the Trophy of the Depths and upgrade it to obtain some power from the Depths.

Fish for a Mark of the Angler

10/19: Alright, you look a little, tingly, do you feel tingly? Well I felt tingly after I did that, so I really just wanted to let you know the tingly feeling was normal. Regardless of tingles, now you have the Aura of the Angler. Now when you fish you should find Marks of the Angler from time to time. Go ahead and try it out.

Upgrade more Bubbles