January 23, 2025

Use an Amorous Heckbug in Dragonfire Peaks

What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 5/12: Now just head to DRAGONFIRE PEAKS and let one of those lil' cuties loose!

Help Amorous Heckbugs find Love

What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 6/12: Now run around and find another Heckbug for your Heckbug to romance! Heckbugs are notoriously picky, so it may take a few! Repeat this 10 times, and you'll have some idea of what I do every day this season!

Hatch a Heckbug Egg

What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 7/12: It's me again, Hailey! Are you ready for the final stage in building this circle of life? It's time to hatch a Heckbug Egg! You can find these eggs all around the Geode Caverns, and hatch them at the EGG INCUBATOR!

Meet the Heckbug Hunter

What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 8/12: Trovian... the H.E.C.K. isn't all they claim to be... Meet me behind their structure in the Hub to learn more...

Complete the Heckbug Hunter's Daily Quest

What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 9/12: Hailey and Harold are keeping themselves blind from the truth: Heckbugs are bloodthirsty killers! They'll destroy entire planets, they will! I've seen it happen, and it'll happen again! UNLESS we put a stop to them! You've got to cull their numbers, and every day that you do I'll reward you for it! AND REMEMBER! If you don't have my banner, you'll need Amorous Heckbugs to strip their blasted shielding!