September 6, 2022

Complete Cowasaurs Dailies

Cowasaurs 7/7: Trovian the Cowasaurs are really happy with you. So happy that they've come to the hub to meet you! They're in the Events Area of the hub offering new daily quests for you to spread the joy of Dinosaurs to all of the Desert Frontier. Once you're done you should try crafting a Cowasaur Effigy and unlocking all the wonderful things we've been working on in the Desert Frontier. If you end up making too many feel free to deconstruct them for the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys Crates.

Meet with Wolfsly

Shadow's Eve 1/6: Happy Shadow's Eve Trovian. Shadow's Eve means that the Cursed Vale is the place to be, and if you can't be there, you try and look like it as much as you can! The hub is already decorated, the mag rails are ready, and I'm already howling for some fun! Stop by and chat with me in the Events area of the hub. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Collect Pumpkins in the Cursed Vale

Shadow's Eve 2/6: I'm so glad you could stop by Trovian. If I had to sum up Shadow's Eve in one word, it'd be pumpkins, and there's a lot of them in the Cursed Vale. There are two different kinds of pumpkin-themed locations that appear during Shadow's Eve in the Cursed Vale. One is a little more dangerous than the other, so let's start with the safer one. Look for Pumpkin Patches, they will be smaller than the dungeons, which are usually just one big overgrown pumpkin.

Clear Pumpkin Dungeons

Shadow's Eve 3/6: The ugly side of Pumpkin Patches is that they mean Pumpkin Dungeons, which are far less flavorful and far more bitey. Every year they come back, and every year Trove fights them off. How about you join in the fight a little huh? They should show up in just about anywhere on Trove other than the Sundered Uplands. If only we knew what the Irradiant Giants there knew maybe we could take care of this.

Craft a Wolves' Den Gateway

Shadow's Eve 4/6: Good job Trovian. Now I've sent you some Lunar Condensate in your Claims. You can use that for all sorts of things, but how about you craft up a Delve Gateway: Wolves' Den this time. You can make one at the Shadowy Station in the Events area of the hub.