Lunar Leap
Wolves' Den Tree Top Edge 0
Wolves' Den Tree Top Edge 1
Wolves' Den Tree Top Edge 2
Shadow's Eve 1/11: Happy Shadow's Eve Trovian! This Shadow's Eve we have visitors. Priests from the Order of the Moon are waiting in the event area of the hub, you should go introduce yourself!
Press [HK:Loot] to interact with an npc.
Shadow's Eve 2/11: Greetings Trovian. I am Lunavic, High Priest of the Order of the Moon. It is wondrous to meet you, even on such a shadowed occasion. Our order stands against the Shadow on all occasions, but especially when its strength is at its peak, during Shadow’s Eve.
This year a terrible curse has fallen upon the Medieval Highlands, Desert Frontier, and Cursed Vale. The curse turns normal monsters into shadow infused mindless beasts. Will you aid us in the defense of Trove during this dark time? Craft an Order of the Moon Purification Seal to cleanse yourself of darkness and join the fight against the Shadow.
Shadow's Eve 5/11: Trovian! It is good to see you. There are so many enemies! No matter how many you defeat there are always more. Their numbers are without end!
I can sense the blessings of the Moon Goddess upon you. This is good, because what I ask will require all the help you can get. This Curse must have a source; we must find it!
Perhaps a clue lies within the nearby dungeons. Try clearing some and see what you can find.
Shadow's Eve 6/11: Oh my, this is awful. These wolves are overrunning everything! And what’s that, Lunar Condensate?! We'll have to get that back to the quartermasters, but first we must investigate the Pumpkin Dungeons that have started appearing. Perhaps they are the source.
Shadow's Eve 11/11: The source was a being called Q'berus? Interesting. When we return to our temples I shall delve into our libraries and research this being. That said, with the source defeated the curse will burn itself out, and the werewolves will fade with the hour of shadow.
You have proven yourself a valued ally of the Order of the Moon. Please take this and use it to craft our banner. Raise it high and help us guide the Moon Goddess back to Trove.
Good Work Trovian!
Complete 15 Dungeons