Hotfix May 18 2021
The only flux with the right metallurgic properties to mint the CARYSIAN DUCAT, accept no substitutes!\n\n\n\n\n<font color='#ff3030'>Disappears</font> at the end of the Sunfest event
Royal Mining License
Issued by the Consortium of Royal Dragon Houses only to accredited miners.\n\n\n\n\n\n<font color='#ff3030'>Disappears</font> at the end of the Sunfest event
Rayoreum Ore
Qubesly's skeptical, but the Royal Houses say this is the REAL DEAL!\n\n\n\n\n\n<font color='#ff3030'>Disappears</font> at the end of the Sunfest event
The unique mix of chemicals present in this flux is perfect for the forging of PANATEAN ANTES.\n\n\n\n\n\n<font color='#ff3030'>Disappears</font> at the end of the Sunfest event
Flux mk. II
More fluxier than regular flux, this extra-fluxy flux is full of flux, which make it an idea candidate for the creation of MARKS OF TY.\n\n\n\n\n<font color='#ff3030'>Disappears</font> at the end of the Sunfest event
Mark of Ty