Failed to disable "{0}", there are multiple mods with that title.\nUse the author name to clarify the mod.
Failed to disable "{0}", there are multiple mods with that title.\nUse the author name to clarify the mod.

Failed to disable "{0}" by "{1}", could not find author "{1}"
Failed to disable "{0}" by "{1}", could not find author "{1}" Edit

Failed to disable "{0}", could not find mod "{0}"
Failed to disable "{0}", could not find mod "{0}"

Successfully disabled "{0}" by "{1}". Restart required.
Successfully disabled "{0}" by "{1}". Restart required.

/mods disable "[Mod Title]" <optional> "[Author Name]"\nDisables mod with title. If titles conflict, use the author name to clarify the mod.\nex. /mods disable "Cool Mod" "[email protected]"
/mods disable "[Mod Title]" <optional> "[Author Name]"\nDisables mod with title. If titles conflict, use the author name to clarify the mod.\nex. /mods disable "Cool Mod" "[email protected]"