Training Regimen: Defeat Enemies
Training Regimen: Go for a Walk
Increases the size of your Ally for five minutes.
Ally Up
Immediately calls a proxy of C455-Andra to the summoner's location and grants them a Sentience Shard.
Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Summon Proxy of C455-Andra
Immediately calls forth a Titantic Tentakiller to the summoner's locationand grants them a Sentience Shard.
Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Summon Titantic Tentakiller
Immediately calls forth a Trojan Propagator to the summoner's locationand grants them a Sentience Shard.
Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Summon Trojan Propagator