For your assistance in the Great Trovian Bake-off event!
For your assistance in the Great Trovian Bake-off event!
The Resistors thank you for your assistance.
The Resistors thank you for your assistance.
Login every day during the Great Trovian Bake-off to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during the Great Trovian Bake-off to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during the A Hero Rises event to earn extra rewards!
เข้าเกมทุกวันในช่วงเทศกาล the A Hero Rises เพื่อรับไอเท็มพิเศษ!
Log in every day during the Rise of the Sunseekers event to earn extra rewards!
ล๊อคอินในช่วงอีเว้นท์ Rise of the Sunseeker เพื่อรับไอเท็มพิเศษ!
Login every day during the Song of Petallura event to earn extra rewards!
เข้าเกมทุกวันในช่วงเทศกาล Song of Petallura เพื่อรับไอเท็มพิเศษ!
Sunseeker Rowan and all Geodians thank you for your assistance.