June 4 - 2020

This limited time pack unlocks the Sun-taur, Banner-holder of the Tysorion Front mount, the Hyped Up Pinata mount, the Tysorion Pup ally, the Tysorion Roly-Poly Pal, the Pint-Sized Hyper Pin ally, and the Tysorion Shadow Hunter costume for the Shadow Hunter. Get them before they pop off!

House Panatea Sunfest Spirit Pack

This limited time pack unlocks the Perry, the Panatean Defender mount, the Pinatataur mount, the Panatean Roly-Poly Pal ally, the Celebratory Cake ally, the Party Pup ally, and the Panatean Sage costume for the Ice Sage. Get them before they blow!

Take pride in yourself and help Amberine uncover prismatic secrets.

Sunfest Spirit Packs

Show your Spirit with these three limited time packs!

Get them now!

Side with one of the Sunfest Houses by speaking with Qubesly in the hub and shove back the invaders!

Pint-Sized Hyper-Pin

Can fly, can't shoot.