Depth Stepper
Pet the puppy.
Kill Wolves and Werewolves
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: Tarnations partner! Wolves is overrunnin' thangs 'n I've 'ad it! Go get me wolf pelts an' I'll pay ya. I've been hard at work and they're only stalkin' Cursed Vale this year. Get out there and get ta' gettin' rid of 'em.
Collect Lunar Condensate
Lunar Condensate is the residue created when the shadow and Lunar light interact. Collecting all that we can limits the shadows corruption. If you can collect it the Quartermaster will happily reward you for turning it in.
Lunar Condensate can be found by defeating the Werewolves, wolves, owls, crows, and some 1-Star Dungeons in the Medieval Highlands, Cursed Vale, and Desert Frontier.
Rewarded for completing a Shadow's Eve 2021 Daily Adventure.
The Order of the Moon thanks you for your hard work against the shadow.
The matchmaker was not able to update the new depth.
You cannot update a public queue's depth.