Depth Stepper
Tomb Wraith
Hey boyo press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Hurry up and let's get this show on the road.
SERVANT! Press [HK:Loot] to take my commands!
You must rid us of these horrid undead!
A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nArmor worn by the defenders of the Fae.
Talk to the Undead Envoy
Fae Vs Undead 2021 1/9: Trovian!!! I need your help. For some reason, this time of year brings conflict. This year it seems that the Fae from the Fae forest and the Undead from Cursed Vale are having a feud. Can you talk to that friendly Skeleton under the Giant Mushroom in the hub and see what is going on.
Fae Vs Undead 2021 2/9: Hey boyo how ya doin’ I’m Skullerd nice to meet ya.
Anywho, you should know that even though we undead are spooky, scary skeletons, we have heart. Granted, cold ones.
Those Fae invaded our lands, and we could use some help. In the Cursed Vale there are tombs now filled with an army of Fae. Please go knock some skulls, and help us poor undead before we're dead undead.
Talk to the Fae Prince
Fae Vs Undead 2021 3/9: Trovian, I thought I should let you know that there's a very angry Fae prince here. Can you swing by the hub and handle this situation. He is on top of the Giant Mushroom in the hub, and I’m worried that if he has to wait any longer, the hub will be in a much more distressed state.
Fae Vs Undead 2021 4/9: Are you the one attacking my Fae servants in the Cursed Vale!? I Fabio Fae La Fearso IV, Prince to the Fae kingdom, will not stand for this. Yes, yes, I fly everywhere, but I still won't stand for it.
The Undead invaded us first with their tombs. You will right this wrong, go to the Fae Forest and remove those spooky skeletons from my lands!