Gunslinger Noscope
Collect Washed Totter Tates
St. Qubeslick's Feast 3/10: Next step? Starch! I mean Totter Tates! I've been authorized to sell you some, but I need to be honest, it would be MUCH cheaper if you could source the Totter Tates yourself. There's even a sink you can use behind my chair to wash 'em! If you don't have a green thumb, consider checking the MARKETPLACE.
Craft St. Qubeslick's Delite!
St. Qubeslick's Feast 4/10: Now that you've got the ingredients, you can cook it right up on this Min-E Bake Oven next to me!
Obtain a Luckbeast Haunch
St. Qubeslick's Feast 5/10: Equip that Delite right in your Food slot, head over to the DESERT FRONTIER, JURASSIC JUNGLE, NEON CITY, or LUMINOPOLIS, and find a Luckbeast! Remember, they're INVISIBLE unless you've got a St. Qubeslick's Delite or Feast equipped!
Craft the Feast of St. Qubeslick
St. Qubeslick's Feast 6/10: Ok! Remember how to make the St. Qubeslick's Delite? Well, the Min-E-Bake Oven can also make the Feast! It's next to me in the Hub, give it a shot once you've obtained the ingredients!
Find some of St. Qubeslick's coins
St. Qubeslick's Feast 7/10: Now that Feast is special. It not only reveals the Luckbeasts and their kin but it also reveals the treasures of St. Qubeslick. There's plenty of treasure in the TREASURE ISLES, so it's a solid bet you'll find some there.