[Deleted User]
Bomber Royale Season 3
Sunfest 5/11 : It's so refreshing to watch others work.
Ah, so now the big reveal. These notes can only be printed at Pinzo Printers, and this is the ONLY Pinzo Printer, and that's a Pinzo guarantee. Trovian Finite Notes, or TFN as I like to call them for short, are rigidly restricted so that they maintain a healthy value. I won't go into the technical stuff, but trust me, these will be WAY more valuable than that worthless ''new'' flux from last year.
Go use them to buy something from any of the quartermasters of the Dragon Houses.
You could also buy the all new never seen before Pinzo's Prints: Recipe Unlocker at my quartermaster! Who knows what you'll find!
Find more Pinzoins
Sunfest 6/11 : And that's how simple the whole process is! So now that you've got the basics how about you go and farm some more Pinzoins while I watch over the Pinzo Printer here in the hub.
Also, if you didn't notice there's a way for you to donate Pinzoins to the Pinzo Printer and print randomly from its old data logs. Most of it is useless but there are some gems from past events if you're lucky and the data isn't too corrupted. You can even get more coins that way!
Meet Qubesly in the Hub
Sunfest 7/11 : Trovian. Trovian! TROVIAN! The dragon houses are in an uproar over your new friend. Get to the hub and meet me by Pinzo's setup.
Meet the Carysian Representative
Sunfest 8/11 : So it turns out that Chuck Pinzo is a pure scam artist! I can't believe I let him rent this space for his stupid Pinzoins. It turns out that he should have been purchasing those Trovian Finite Notes back from the three houses for regular flux, but when he was supposed to buy the first batch, he just disappeared! On top of that, with him gone there's no way to stop his Pinzo Printer from printing more and more of them.
Go talk to the Carysian Representative to see how they want to handle this while I make sure no more funny business goes on.
Defeat Chuck Pinzo
Sunfest 9/11 : Ahh Trovian, it is about time you got here. This is unacceptable. First Chuck Pinzo runs off on us, and now Qubesly is forcing us to honor these worthless Trovian Finite Notes for the rest of Sunfest. Harumph!
If we cannot have justice, then we shall have revenge. Chuck Pinzo is not as smart as he thinks he is. One of my house's representatives has informed me he was seen fleeing into a delve gateway. Purchase one of our, trademark pending, Delve Gateways: Chuck Pinzo that I'm selling. Then get in there, find Chuck Pinzo, and deal with him.
Meet a Chuck Pinzo Invader