Interact with Recyclic Recombobulator
Green Game Jam 3/6
There's HOW MUCH Ocean Trash?!?!? We''re going to need to help the Bin Chicken Commission, Trovian! Find SALTY TRASH from Fae Dungeons and use it to craft CRUFTCAKES at a Recyclic Recombobulator. THROW Cruftcakes from your HOTBAR at Hungry Bin Chickens in the FAE FOREST, who will then help you craft some of their coveted TIDAL TREASURES.
Acquire Tidal Treasure
Green Game Jam 4/6
Great work getting the TIDAL TREASURE. Once you obtain enough, use the RECYCLIC RECOMBOBULATOR at the FOUNTAINS in FAE FOREST to craft, equip, and MOUNT [HK:EquipMount] a GARBAGE COLLECTION Mount.
Mount 'Six-Pack' or 'Magestica'
Green Game Jam 5/6
Now we're ready to rock! We found the source of the garbage, piles of NIGH IMPENETRABLE GARBAGE just floating out on the ocean! Go to TREASURE ISLES biomes and use the cannon on your GARBAGE COLLECTOR to get more SALTY TRASH!
Collect Salty Trash
Green Game Jam 6/6
Great work, Trovian! The world can be a beautiful place if we put in the effort to keep it that way! Go use the RECYCLIC RECOMBOBULATOR one last time, the Bin Chickens tell me two new CRAFTABLE Garbage Collection ALLIES have arrived on the scene! Thank you again, Trovian, for doing your part!
Return to Recyclic Recombobulator
Sunfest 2019 1/8: Hi Trovian, it's me, Qubesly. It should be a happy Sunfest, but we are under attack. Come meet up with me in the hub to select a House to represent for Sunfest.