Crystal Combat

Adventure awaits! Open the Trovian Atlas with [HK:Atlas].\n\nThe Trovian Atlas can also be seen at the base of the Sun Goddess Statue in the Trove Hub. It is a large workstation with a spinning representation of the known universe. Use it to travel to a Medieval Highlands World or to the Geode Hub.
在主城(Hub World)找到綠色的傳送門,按 [HK:Loot] 進入Novice世界。

Change modes with [HK:SwitchInputMode]. Use [HK:Inventory] to open the Build Inventory. Place the Loot Collector on the hotbar. Select it, and use [HK:BuildModePlace] to place.
按 [HK:SwitchInputMode] 切換建造模式。在快捷鍵選擇分解台(Loot Collector),按 [HK:BuildModePlace] 放置。

Loot and glory await! Press [HK:Map] to use your Map to find and complete another Dungeon and gain treasure!\n\nDon't forget to check your Claims window for Adventure rewards. The Claims window can be opened with [HK:Claims].
按 [HK:Map] 開啟地圖,完成另一個地下城獲得寶物!

The land of ice and snow!\n\nOpen the Trovian Atlas with [HK:Atlas] and travel to a Permafrost World. You can also hold down [HK:Homeworld] to return to the Trove Hub.
按住 [HK:Homeworld] 傳回主城(Hub World),找到藍色的傳送門進入Adept世界。

An enchanted arboreal world awaits you! Gain enough Power Rank to access a Fae Forest world by finding better equipment in Desert Frontier dungeons.\n\nYou can open the Trovian Atlas with [HK:Atlas] to see the Power Rank requirement for each Adventure world. You can also hold down [HK:Homeworld] to return to the Trove Hub.
Power Rank 達到250分時,可以在主城(Hub World)找到紅色的傳送門進入Uber-1世界。

Craft a Ring Box

Craft a Ringcrafting Bench from the Novice Crafting Bench in your Cornerstone. The quickest way to find an available Cornerstone is to return to the Trove Hub with [HK:Homeworld] and head just outside the walls. Once you have the bench placed, craft a ring that suits your class and open it from your Adventure inventory.\n\nTo place this new workbench, change to modes with [HK:SwitchInputMode], use [HK:Inventory] to open the Build Inventory, and place the Ringcrafting Bench on the hotbar. Select it, and use [HK:BuildModePlace] to place it down.
戒指工作台(Ringcrafting Bench)可以從家裡的新手工作台(Novice Crafting Bench)製作。戒指可以裝備到身上。

Time for Zombies! Gain enough Power Rank to access a Cursed Vale world by finding better equipment in Permafrost dungeons.\n\nYou can open the Trovian Atlas with [HK:Atlas] to see the Power Rank requirement for each Adventure world. You can also hold down [HK:Homeworld] to return to the Trove Hub.
Power Rank 達到100分時,可以在主城(Hub World)找到紫色的傳送門進入Elite世界。