Tutorial Rework
Tutorial Tips
Basic Tips
TIP: Crafting & Recipes
CRAFTING WORKBENCHES can be found all over Trove, each containing one-or-more RECIPES.\n\nTo craft a recipe, you must own all the required crafting materials.
TIP: Consumable Items
When in Adventure Mode [HK:SwitchInputMode], your HOTBAR allows you to use Items in addition to your Abilities.
If you have empty slots in your Hotbar, you can place items into it from the Inventory [HK:Inventory]. Potions, Bombs, and Keys are some examples.
TIP: Inventory
You'll receive many items in your travels across Trove, many of which will appear in your INVENTORY [HK:Inventory].\n\nThere are 5 Tabs in the Inventory UI:\n- Adventure Mode Inventory\n- Build Mode Inventory\n- Currency Inventory\n- Geode Module Inventory\n- Geode Inventory\n\nUsing CREDITS--available from the STORE [HK:Store]--you can unlock additional inventory rows. Unlocking a Row makes it available in the Adventure, Build, and Geode inventories. You can unlock up to 150 slots for these Inventories, using the Brown, Green, and Blue bag icons at the bottom of the inventory window to switch between pages!
You'll receive many items in your travels across Trove, many of which will appear in your INVENTORY [HK:Inventory].\n\nThere are 5 Tabs in the Inventory UI:\n- Adventure Mode Inventory\n- Build Mode Inventory\n- Currency Inventory\n- Geode Module Inventory\n- Geode Inventory\n\nUsing CREDITS--available from the STORE [HK:NavigationMenu]--you can unlock additional inventory rows. Unlocking a Row makes it available in the Adventure, Build, and Geode inventories. You can unlock up to 150 slots for these Inventories, using the Brown, Green, and Blue bag icons at the bottom of the inventory window to switch between pages!